Engrish and Jabberwocky

Nearly all this Engrish stuff comes from dollar
stores. I've had some of these items, or at least the photographs of
them for years. I only recently realized I could share them here, so
21st Centuries Boat Super Express? Could this be the long lost aquatic
version of the Super Express Space Train from the Korean anime B-Movie
Protectors of Universe?
I don't know much about jetskis, but the image of a boat with a rooster tail makes me smile every time.

Actually the sound this makes is more like the "wocka wocka" sound from
Pac-Man than "bee bee". The sound isn't every "funny" either.
This was actually the first time I encountered the word pugilism, so I was really weirded out by this at first.
These yo yo water things were a big fad in my town in the summer of
say, 2003 or so, and needless to say all the teachers at school hated
them. I got this out of an ice cream truck when my friend brought the
last one and she was about to throw it away.
This image is uncropped to show off the fact that I was nerdy enough to
use my Macbook's webcam and the light of my Nintendo DS Lite to take
the picture and that And yes, that it is sitting on a sign that says
This is really the biggest "what the hell" item I've got here. It's a bootleg Snoopy pencil case from a dollar store.
I really wonder what the hell exactly the people who made this were
thinking or trying to express with the term "little ghost" complete
with the scary looking font in between two very innocent pictures of
Sometimes I think some of these companies make stuff like this with the
intention of getting people to buy them as novelty items, which if I'm
right seems to have worked prefectly in this case.
Jabberwocky Spam Emails
Lately I've been getting these really freaky and hilarious spam emails filled with non-sequitur word salads and jabberwocky.
Hopefully you enjoy these as much as I have.
Prakriti indeed.
British Troopseses - Lush delivery available! God Dag!
A look inside the calm head of infantry dictor Mr. Rafiel.
I'm just realizing this, but these emails all seem to be episodic
installments of a larger story about some sort of jabberwocky war
between Britain and some kingdom in Brasil over a magical blue stone.
There's no pleasing crazy aunt Gerty and her stupid owl.
I actually stopped getting this series of emails at this point, though I combed my entire spam folder looking for more.
I was kind of dissapointed actually, I wanted to see how the war turned out and who got the stone.
So, I see they have given up on English entirely now huh? I wonder if
this is actually German or Danish or whatever or if this is just a
bunch of word salads in whatever language this is supposed to be as
Regardless, if I buy some intensiveren Sex tabs, I want to be able to
read the instructions in English Jabberwocky thank you very much.
I clicked this email expecting some hairbrained nonsense from PETA, but
now I have this great image from this email of Kim Jong Ill being
forced to watch the animal soccer scene from Bedknobs and Broomsticks.
More disturbing however is that Gmail seems to think I'm in the market
for cheap tickets to North Korea from FirstClassFlyer.com. Why the hell
would anyone want to take a casual vacation to North Korea? That would
be like getting in a time machine and going on a tour of Nazi Germany
or Stalinist Russia for kicks and giggles. Besides, I thought North
Korea was a classless society anyway.
I lost on this one. Sorry Hari Jann, but if it is too much for one James Bond what made you think I would be up to it?
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