- Banana Crêpes
With Nutella
like to start my first crepe review by establishing that I’m
not a food critic or a connoisseur of any kind, and that my discovery
of crêpes is extremely recent, no more than a year old as of
time I’m writing this piece.
I assure you that there’s a lot I’ve yet to learn
about how to properly appreciate and evaluate crêpes in the
various ways they can be prepared and served, and these reviews will
document my experiences my exploration of this field.
I tried IHOP’s “Banana Crêpes with
Nutella” in June of 2015.
While as you can see in the picture, the titular hazelnut sauce is
drizzled on top in what would seem to be a fairly conservative amount,
my findings are that the Nutella verges on completely dominating the
crêpes to the point where the crêpes themselves
serve merely as a Nutella delivery system.
Its odd how I’ve enjoyed crêpes that were served
completely buried beneath fruit and berries, and sometimes also oozing
with sweet cream tucked away inside, and yet those dressings came
nowhere close to utterly stealing the show in the way the deceptively
modest looking drizzle of Nutella does in IHOP’s Banana
Crêpes with Nutella.
Perhaps “Nutella served on Crêpes with
Bananas” would have been a better name for this dish.
There was absolutely nothing wrong or unserviceable about what I was
served, the dish fulfilled its purpose perfectly, but what I tasted was
much more of a Nutella experience than a crepe experience.
Anyone who likes Nutella, which is probably most people (it’s
essentially just chocolate after all, no matter how much the company
insists on selling it as “hazelnut spread”), who
ends up at an IHOP and sees this on the menu will be drawn by the fact
that Nutella™ is in the dish’s name and try it
based purely on brand recognition, even if they never tried
crêpes before, and given that IHOP actually went out of their
way to be able use the Nutella brand name rather than just calling it
“hazelnut sauce” likely affirms that this was their
specific intention.
As for the bananas, I haven’t bothered mentioning them up
until now because their role in the dish to me was rather unimportant.
I don’t know, but I just find bananas on pancakes,
crêpes, waffles to just sort of get in the way. They ruin or
demote the dish for me but if they weren’t there to begin
with I personally wouldn’t have missed them at all.
With dishes like IHOP’s “Strawberries and Cream
Crêpes” the berries and cream totally smother the
crêpes on the plate, yet the distinct flavor and aroma of the
crêpes still seems to be able to shine through as the
dominant flavor on my tongue as I eat.
But with these however, the taste of the Nutella really drowned out the
crêpes themselves, and the banana coins didn’t even
stand a chance of making an impact to me.
Its not as though I couldn’t receive the taste or aroma of
the crêpes, but the the Nutella was so loud to me as to make
me vividly aware of how much of the dressing I was tasting and how much
of the crêpes I wasn’t tasting, as compared to
other crepe dishes I tried in the past.
Even though this was probably the distinct and deliberate intention of
the minds behind this dish, and the Nutella perhaps really aught to be
the star of the show for this one, with the crêpes serving as
a complimentary conveyance of that flavor, sort of like how toast is to
butter and jam, I personally didn’t enjoy it, though I
don’t at all regret having given this one a try.
If you’re a huge fan of Nutella I expect you’ll
have a blast, and if you aren’t so weirdly particular about
not wanting to feel as though the taste and the actual crêpes
are being “outshone” by the sauce like I am, I
expect you’ll like it whether you are a Nutella fan or not.
Though I still think the bananas were kind of pointless here, though
still harmless.

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