Crêpe Quest
are possibly my favorite
I had one beer in my life, I didn’t like it, and that one
has been my only alcoholic beverage to date.
I also don't find myself to be motivated by sex, or finding a mate.
So the self deprecating joke explanation I provide is that
unknowingly some sort of alien (or perhaps am being un-kowingly
controlled by some sort of alien parasite) that gets the same sort of
satisfaction out of eating crêpes that normal people get from
and alcohol.
Writing that may be evoking images of myself going crazy in a
restaurant scarfing down crepes like how Ax from
“Animorphs” would lose his mind and all semblance
manners and decency whenever he ate cinnamon buns in the mall, but
trust me its nothing THAT crazy. I have good table manners, I just
enjoy crêpes more than I probably aught to.
But having made enough of a dork of myself, I’ll get back to
point, that being that I love crêpes, but I have no idea how
make them not having my own kitchen, I don’t have anywhere to
learn how.
So for the time being I’m relying on other people to make my
crepes for me, and here I’m gonna catalog all the different
crêpes I’ve tried along with the
restaurant/person/manufacturer who made them!
IHOP Crêpes

Image Credit: JPS68
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